
What telephones and dating women have in common?


Not so long ago, one had to book a telephone connection and wait [by the window, biscuit dipped in tea] for months before a lineman appeared for the installation.

On the day, one would organize a party serving only cheap liquor and show-off the magical device. But, no one you knew had a phone so it sat there, waiting to tinkle. Blast to today and the rules have changed.

*Operators are carefully stalking your next move.

“Sir, we were wondering if you’d like a telephone connection?”

We’ve gone from supply unable to cope with demand based model to surplus supply annoying the demand in the ass racquet.

“No, for the last time. I can barely keep up with this one lady.”

What does that have to do with dating women?

It’s the same reason why women from a smaller town appear to be far more difficult to score versus a bigger one.

Here’s the catch.
Smaller towns have massive demands but the supply [of cute, pretty and hot girls with a PERSONALITY] is bleak. Considering the male to female ratio in India, you have loads of guys hitting on every kind of girl.

Scavenger approach.
An 8 in the arms of a 5. How the twerk did that happen. Clearly, he’s been rejected by an 8 and in his low moment, was drawn to an easier 5 [thereby jacking the 5 to believe she’s an 8 or 7]. Pity to watch men scramble for an oink.

This is score inflation. A 5 becomes a 7 and a 8 becomes a 10 [or what we have these ladies believe] by virtue of emasculated pride. What you now have is a souped up society full of women who think they are THE kid on the block.

Perspective: Imagine if you got hit on all the time by women. Would you give a flying-fish to every one?

I don’t think so.


A larger availability of pretty, cute and intelligent women [with a personality] in bigger towns. All them vying for the alpha male. On a playing field, full of warriors, each one is trying to make her mark.

Let’s take a moment and imagine that.

Women are far more receptive, conversation hungry and approachable. Clearly there are more 8, 9 and 10s in any room. Most of them will go the extra mile to get your attention.

Supply is in excess of demand. You can connect with what suits your budget, personality and lifestyle. Like that telephone connection.

Small town girls let their hair down in the big city: This means a small town girl appears to be different in a bigger town- like a dual personality. She no longer has to conform or is under the watchful eye of the ones she fears. The judgmental sort.

Players take the girls home.
However, one cannot expect to score by being a needy and boring little twig.

By Paul Syng

Paul Syng is a multi-disciplinary designer based in Toronto. He focuses on a problem-seeking, systems thinking approach that can take any form or function.