Category: Buyer Experience Design

  • Ever pitched an idea and felt like you were talking to a brick wall?

    Yeah, me too. It sucks. But here’s the thing: We’re doing it all wrong. I used to think selling ideas was about being the smoothest talker in the room. Boy, was I wrong. It’s not about talking. It’s about listening. Remember that client who seemed impossible to please? The one who shot down every suggestion?…

  • How to launch a school without talking about it or using digital (GTM Strategy)

    In this digital age, it’s rare to find a marketing campaign that avoids the usual digital trappings where marketers are obsessed with SEO, organic or ads. GTM with a twist. My agency was tasked with launching a brand-new school, where we took an unconventional path, and the results? Well, they were nothing short of groundbreaking.…

  • How do you get your team to believe in what you sell?

    Have you ever scratched your head, wondering how to get the people in charge of selling to believe in what they’re selling? You’re not alone. Many business owners, founders, and chief sales officers grapple with the same issue. It’s a silent crisis – a creeping loss of self-belief in sales teams, especially when it comes…

  • The Quiet Coup: How Consultants Quietly Overtook Agencies

    In the bustling corridors of a Fortune 500 company, a CEO once remarked after a failed advertising campaign, “The creatives looked good, but it didn’t feel right strategically.” This sentiment encapsulates the tension between the worlds of consulting and agency. But what drives this tension? The answer lies in two foundational documents: the business case…

  • Seeing Apple’s Genius: The Power of Simplified Language in Tech

    I’ve recently immersed myself in Apple’s latest keynote, and the revelation hit me like a ton of bricks – the audacity of simplicity steals the show.  It’s out there, blatantly audacious yet subtly brilliant, making me wonder – why don’t more tech giants embrace this apparent magic trick? Apple has deciphered the code that eludes…

  • How to sell anything without sounding like The Architect

    Have you ever been in a presentation where buzzwords like “synergy,” “interchain,” and “paradigm shift” were used, leaving the audience confused? This common phenomenon, which I call “technobabble fever,” might make the speaker feel like The Architect (from The Matrix) but leaves listeners bored and wonderings what’s for lunch. These blunders can render communication ineffective…

  • The Gap Between “What You’re Selling” vs “What They’re Buying” is Empathy

    You’re probably thinking, “I’ve got a phenomenal product or service. Why aren’t customers breaking down my doors?”  Truthfully, when you’re waist-deep in the trenches of your product or service, it’s easy to get tunnel vision. You think, “Oh, my new Vision Brag 5000 has a 20% faster thingamabob and twice the storage capacity of the…

  • The Stoic Coach: Stop talking. Start listening.

    Coaching, within a stoic framework, is a journey of personal transformation. At the core, both Stoicism and coaching thrive on introspection, self-improvement, and resilience. They foster a deep sense of understanding, empowering individuals to navigate their paths with wisdom. Both respect the boundary of control, focusing on self-development and facilitating others to do the same.…

  • Selling is not helping. Helping is selling.

    Though its origin remains a mystery, this nugget of wisdom is the crux of our discourse today. But first, a bit of context. During my tenure at a creative agency, my primary role was to bring in new business and strategize. The question that often arose was, “How do you land such big accounts?” Well,…