Category: SYNG

  • Positioning is not about what you say.

    It’s far from it. Positioning is about what they think. Who’s they? Your customers. Your market. Your world. You don’t control positioning. You influence it. Think of it as mental real estate. Prime property in your customer’s mind. What’s your plot? Is it front and center? Or lost in the suburbs of irrelevance? You can’t…

  • Stop Listening to Your Clients: The Case for Gut Instincts in Business

    We’ve all been told that the customer is always right and client feedback is the holy grail of business success. But what if we’ve been getting it wrong? What if, sometimes, the best way to innovate and drive your business forward is to stop listening to your clients and start trusting your gut instincts? The…

  • The Big Short Explains Why Smart People Act Stupid in Business

    Last night, I rewatched “The Big Short (TBS),” a film that brilliantly dissects the 2008 financial crisis. As I watched, it struck me how this movie perfectly illustrates why even the smartest people in large organizations can make disastrously poor decisions. Let’s take a look at the systemic, cultural, and psychological factors at play. 1.…

  • From Courtrooms to Salesrooms: The Unseen Choreography of Decision-Making

    TL;DR: Your feelings during a crime could determine your sentence. Facts and logic take a backseat when emotions enter the room. Picture the courtroom in the O.J. Simpson trial, alive with emotions; each fact presented potentially altering the case, with pragmatism anchoring justice amidst human feelings. Now, shift to a bustling salesroom, where a salesperson,…

  • How do you get your team to believe in what you sell?

    Have you ever scratched your head, wondering how to get the people in charge of selling to believe in what they’re selling? You’re not alone. Many business owners, founders, and chief sales officers grapple with the same issue. It’s a silent crisis – a creeping loss of self-belief in sales teams, especially when it comes…

  • Managers Thrive in Meetings; Creatives Flourish Outside Them

    In the bustling landscape of the modern workplace, two distinct species coexist: managers, who thrive in the structured confines of meetings, and creatives, who flourish in the expansive wilderness outside them. This dichotomy, however, presents a paradox. As a leader, you might believe you’re fostering innovation, but the conventional manager’s schedule could be suffocating your…

  • From Janitors to Jargon: Navigating the Big Four with an Unlikely Tool

    👀 I’m about to tell you how I used my ‘humanity compass’ to navigate the wild jungles of consulting, where power suits meet PowerPoint slides, and where it’s easier to get lost in the jargon than to find a free meeting room! Ever tried striking up a conversation with a security guard on a bustling…

  • The Chacha Chaudhary Guide to Leadership

    TLDR; Navigating the business world is a bit like being the characters from Chacha Chaudhary comics. There’s Chacha, the small old man with a red turban known for his intelligence. Then there’s Sabu, his loyal friend from Jupiter, who is as strong as he is tall, often saying, “Sabu ko jab gussa aata hai, to…

  • The Hustle of Indian Street Hawkers: Lessons in Productized Services

    Growing up in a bustling neighbourhood of Chandigarh, India, the cacophony of street hawkers was the soundtrack of my childhood. The kaleidoscope of their wares — balloons in riotous colours, meticulously stacked fruits, basic groceries, tinkling ice cream carts, whimsical toys, and the ‘bartan-wala’ with his assortment of cleaning products — was a daily carnival…