TLDR: it’s not rocket science; relax.
Recently, I did a live series on YouTube called DesignOver—Business Transformation Live.
The goal was simple: Show, don’t tell.
In season one, I guided the audience through a business transformation for DCM, a publicly traded company.
Throughout the series, we focused on a comprehensive inside-out (IQ, business strategy) and outside-in (EQ, brand strategy) look at DCM, following three simple steps:
1. Listen
2. Choices
3. Execute
Over the course of the season, I conducted extensive research, analyzed company reports, watched CEO videos, and deeply examined their corporate, business, brand and marketing strategy.
As part of the holistic positioning-led approach, I also examined the competitive landscape, the company’s target market, acquisitions, and internal sentiment through employee and customer reviews.
Want help to do something similar for your business?
Email me: work at paulsyng dot com
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