
On Writing by Stephen King

I recently – on a flight back to Chandigarh from Mumbai – finished reading Stephen King’s On Writing. It is a memoir of the craft of writing.

Surprisingly, we all know King as the author of contemporary horror, suspense, science fiction and fantasy fiction. Which means, you’d expect something similar.

Honestly, its nothing like any other King book on your shelf. What got me glued was the conversation. It was a one on one. Straight up like a tequila shot.

The book is divided into three sections.

One part is the biography and story of how King became the writer he is now.

The second part talks about the craft of writing in detail with examples and avoiding excessive adverbs.

The third part is again autobiographical where king speaks about the accident where he was struck by a car.

You’ll find King’s must-read booklist at the very end.

Plus, you’ll find the door open and door closed technique insightful while working on your own book – if you were to ever write one.

I say if you are a writer or someone looking to write, this book will keep you gripped till your eyes sore out.

I guess the no-bullshit attitude works with me.

Enjoy the book.

Book: On Writing
Author: Stephen King
Publisher: Pocket Books

By Paul Syng

Paul Syng is a multi-disciplinary designer based in Toronto. He focuses on a problem-seeking, systems thinking approach that can take any form or function.