are you losing clients by speaking in ‘marketing’ jargon?

That’s how I felt when I started my brand consulting firm in India.

Fresh out of marketing school followed by a short stint as a copywriter, I had ideas.

Big ones.

The naysayers were quick to chime in:

“Clients won’t get it.”

“They’ll never pay for it.”

They were wrong.

Here’s what I did:

I stopped trying to sound smart.

Instead, I focused on being understood.

No jargon.
No buzzwords.
Just simple, everyday language.

I used stories, examples, and analogies that anyone could grasp.

Suddenly, clients weren’t just nodding along – they were engaged.


And you know what?

Those “clueless” clients started writing big checks.


Because I took the time to understand them, not the other way around.

Word salads are a crutch.

How often do we hide behind fancy words to mask our insecurities?

It’s time to strip away the complexity.
Speak plainly.
Connect genuinely.

Your expertise isn’t in your vocabulary.

It’s in your ability to solve problems.

So next time you’re tempted to drop some industry lingo, pause.

Ask yourself:

  1. How would I explain this to someone who’s never heard of marketing?
  2. What is my client buying vs. what am I selling?

The magic happens when you bridge that gap.

Remember, clarity isn’t just communication and understanding but it’s about inspiring action.

When your message resonates, clients don’t just nod – they reach for their checkbooks.

So, are you ready to wake up your clients?

Ditch the jargon.
Embrace simplicity.

After all, the best ideas don’t need fancy wrapping.

They shine on their own.


Every Tuesday, you can expect simple, actionable, and practical advice on business, brand, design and strategy tailored for business leaders. Written by Paul Syng.
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