
Hang on a Minute, You Still Read, Don’t You?

Well, well, well. There’s this quirky little rumor flying around that folks like you and I don’t read anymore. They say we’ve all turned into screen-staring zombies, hypnotized by flashy images, and swiping past anything that demands more than a two-second peek. Is that what you’ve heard too? Now, isn’t that just the oddest thing? For my gamer folks, it’s the human refresh rate.

Not Everything That Glitters is Gold, You Know
You’ve probably come across this ‘Picture Superiority Effect,’ haven’t you? It’s a fancy pants theory that makes you think that pictures and visuals are like shiny lures to our minds, outsmarting boring old text any day. But, let me ask you this, does a picture ever really satisfy the way a well-told story does? I thought so! Bada-bing bada-boom!

Readers Unite and Take Over!
Here’s a little secret: you and I are not alone. We’re part of a large, silent army that still loves to read. Big-name writers like J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, and Margaret Atwood are still charming readers like us by the millions. Doesn’t sound like we’re on the brink of extinction, does it? Hail long blocks of text. Mmmm…

Riding the Podcast Wave
And guess what else? We’re not just readers, we’re listeners too. Podcasts are the new black, and folks like Joe Rogan, Dax Shepard, and Guy Raz are our modern-day Beatles, capturing millions of eager ears with their enticing gab. You know as well as I do that if the chat is interesting, we don’t care how long it goes on.

It’s Not Just Furry Felines Anymore
Ever noticed how some of the biggest YouTube channels, like PewDiePie, MrBeast, and Dude Perfect, are churning out longer videos, and we’re lapping them up? If we didn’t have the patience for such “long” content, they wouldn’t be lounging in million-dollar mansions right now, would they? It’s humans, not algorithms watching those videos.

Can’t Stop the Binge
And let’s not forget our dearest TV series. “Game of Thrones,” “The Crown,” “Stranger Things” – we’re not just idly watching these shows, we’re devouring them! Each episode is a ride that we can’t get enough of. So much for us not having the stamina for long content, huh? Ever called in sick to finish a season? Don’t look at me.

It’s Not the Size, It’s What You Do With It
In the end, it’s not about how much we can take in; it’s about how much we care. We don’t mind hanging around if the content is, well, worth our time. A gripping story, a dash of humor, or just a fresh take – that’s what keeps us engrossed, not the length or the glitzy images.

So, the next time someone tells you “people don’t read anymore,” you can give them a knowing wink and say, “We do, but only when the story’s worth our precious time.” And that, my friend, is the absolute, beautiful truth.

By Paul Syng

Paul Syng is a multi-disciplinary designer based in Toronto. He focuses on a problem-seeking, systems thinking approach that can take any form or function.