Category: GNYS

  • Break the rules or sharpen your pencil.

    Growing up, my peers labelled me the ultimate nonconformist, the oddball who didn’t fit the mould, the “tomato potato.” I was like the Banksy of my elementary school, minus the actual talent. But, to be honest, I couldn’t have cared less about what they thought. Who were they to judge? The offspring of punctuality aficionados?…

  • The desk

    Working from a cafĂ©, on your laptop, is a trifle at best and a trek if you’re carrying a laptop bag. A coffee shop, in my mind, is suitable for meetings, quick last-minute edits, chatting and “coffee” but the absolute worst for doing focused work. “Oh, look! There’s Paul at the coffee shop working on…

  • Naked ankles

    It’s been half a decade. And I can’t seem to stop. I’m finally coming out and saying it. Ready? Naked ankles are my weakness. Folding my pant cuffs, revealing the hairy flesh underneath, is a habit I picked up from GQ. Shameless plug alert. I wrote for GQ. So when I say GQ was my…

  • The lonely nose hair

    Tell me you haven’t looked someone in the eye, noticed a single strand of hair poking out of their nose, and been a) sick to your stomach or b) made attempts to stare without getting caught or c) imagined not one but a hair flower. Nose hair extensions, anyone? I don’t like to stick my…