Buyer Experience Design SYNG

How to sell anything without sounding like The Architect

Have you ever been in a presentation where buzzwords like “synergy,” “interchain,” and “paradigm shift” were used, leaving the audience confused? This common phenomenon, which I call “technobabble fever,” might make the speaker feel like The Architect (from The Matrix) but leaves listeners bored and wonderings what’s for lunch. These blunders can render communication ineffective and fail to create the desired impact. 

Don’t worry; I have a recipe to reinvigorate your pitch — whether you’re selling a multi-million dollar transformation or yourself. 

👉🏼 Words you use

DO LESS: Information Overkill and Jargon Jungle: A lethal combination that many fall prey to is the trifecta of using convoluted jargon, bombarding the audience with an avalanche of information, and taking the scenic route to the point. This perfect storm alienates your audience, buries your core message, and tests their waning attention spans.

DO MORE: Clarity Potion and Linguistic Compass: First, break down your message into simple, digestible morsels. Picture explaining it to a curious 5-year-old. Next, replace the cryptic jargon with everyday language – if your grandma wouldn’t get it, it’s too complex. Remember, your customer isn’t fluent in your internal lingo and acronyms – speak their dialect. Finally, take a direct path to your point, don’t dilly-dally through the woods. Imagine your words are the golden breadcrumbs leading your audience to the “so what” treasure. By simplifying your language and being succinct, you ensure your audience doesn’t get lost in translation and stays engaged in your treasure hunt.

👉🏼 Tune in

DO LESS: Lack of Audience Awareness: Not tailoring the message to the audience is a grave mistake. If you don’t consider what’s relevant to your audience, you’ll miss hitting the mark on why they should care.

DO MORE: Acute Audience Awareness: The first step is knowing your audience. And I don’t mean just knowing their names and job titles. It’s about understanding their motivations, desires, and pain points with the acuity of a detective solving a complex case. If you pitch renewable energy solutions to environmental enthusiasts, immerse yourself in their world, understand their language, and align your solution with their core values. Hide in their bushes to see if they drive an electric car, for example. Just kidding. 

👉🏼 Feel their pain

DO LESS: Neglecting the Emotional Connection: People often forget that emotions drive decision-making. A dry, facts-only presentation won’t resonate as effectively as one that ties facts to emotional benefits. Ardent procurement folks included.

DO MORE: The Elixir of Empathy: Empathy is the secret sauce that can elevate a pitch from mundane to magnetic. It’s about resonating with your audience’s emotions. For instance, don’t dwell on technical specifications if you’re marketing a coffee machine. Instead, transport your audience to the tranquil ambiance of a Sunday morning, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloping them as they sip their perfect cup. This sensory journey is where connections are forged. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman should be your bible here. 

👉🏼 Start with the end in mind

DO LESS: Focusing on Features, Not Benefits: Many people tend to focus on features or processes instead of benefits or outcomes. This makes the audience question, “So what does this mean for me?”

DO MORE: Outcome Orientation: Features are mere facts; outcomes are transformations. Features inform, but outcomes inspire. If you’re pitching a scheduling app, don’t merely state that it integrates calendars. Instead, paint a picture of a life where double bookings are folklore and no cherished moments with loved ones are sacrificed at the altar of miscommunication.

👉🏼 Curiosity over conclusions

DO LESS: Jumping to conclusions: A common blunder people make regarding problem espionage is assuming they know it all. Instead of donning their detective hats and actively listening to uncover the client’s genuine concerns, they bulldoze ahead with presumptions. The art of staying curious and inquisitive is sacrificed at the altar of overconfidence. Michael Bungay Stanier, author of “The Coaching Habit,” nailed it when he said, “Tell less and ask more.” Instead of seeking to understand through attentive listening and probing questions, they plow through their pitch, oblivious to the client’s unique challenges.

Not having a pulse on what truly ails the client, their approach resembles more of a script readout than a tailored solution. It’s like claiming to know what ails a patient without letting them speak during the consultation. This disconnect undermines credibility and squanders the opportunity to genuinely resonate with the client and offer a solution that hits home.

DO MORE: With Them vs To Them: Taking a page from Simon Sinek’s “Start With Why,” the art of problem espionage is all about intimately understanding your customer’s pain points as if you’ve been a fly on the wall in their chaos-ridden offices. This deep dive into their woes helps you to spotlight why your product is the hero they need effectively. Use language that resonates with their daily struggles and articulate their challenges so vividly that they’d think you’ve read their diary.

You’re essentially telling them, “I’ve seen the monster under your bed, and here’s how we’re going to tame it.” By engaging in this level of empathetic storytelling, you’re not just throwing information at them; you’re weaving a narrative where your product emerges as the guardian, the shield against the mayhem caused by missed deadlines and communication mishaps. Through this, you foster a deeper connection, building trust and showing commitment to tailor-made solutions for the monsters they face daily. Your audience will realize you’re not just selling something – you’re answering their ‘Why’ with a solution forged from understanding and expertise.

👉🏼 Transformation stories

DO LESS: Lack of a Clear Value Proposition: Not articulating a product, service, or idea’s value is a significant mistake. The audience needs to understand what sets it apart and why it matters.

DO MORE: Elegant Evidence: Show, don’t just tell. Tangible proof is your currency of credibility. Provide evidence, but do it with panache. If you offer a language learning app, share the anecdote of a user who, through your app, learned impeccable Italian and navigated an authentic conversation with locals in Florence.

👉🏼 People buy from people

DO LESS: Neglecting the Emotional Connection: People often forget that emotions drive decision-making. A dry, facts-only presentation won’t resonate as effectively as one that ties facts to emotional benefits.

DO MORE: Infuse Personality: As Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Inject your unique flair into the presentation. Your product is not a faceless entity but the brainchild of passion, innovation, and grit. Share stories, be relatable, and let your genuine enthusiasm shine through.

👉🏼 Create FOMO

DO LESS: No Call-to-Action: Failing to include a clear call-to-action leaves the audience with no clear next steps or understanding of what they should do with the information they’ve received.

DO MORE: A Riveting Call to Action: Be bold. Invite them to join a revolution. Make them feel like they’re enlisting in a grand journey to change the world. This is your curtain call; make it memorable. Craft a call to action akin to an invitation to an odyssey rather than a pedestrian concluding remark.

👉🏼 Practice, practice, practice.

DO LESS: The Unpolished Tale: Here’s where the magic of preparation meets the art of storytelling. Many folks underestimate the spell that practicing casts on their delivery. But here’s the twist: pair it with the alchemy of storytelling.

DO MORE: The Harmonious Dance of Logic and Emotion: The psychologist Daniel Kahneman’s book “Thinking, Fast and Slow” discussed how decisions involve a delicate ballet of emotion and reason. Lead with an emotional hook, then parade the logic. For instance, don’t commence with security features if you’re presenting cloud storage solutions. Instead, conjure the vision of an eternal life unshackled by data worries, and then, when the hearts are alight, present the features as the enablers of this newfound freedom.

Finally, a compelling pitch is like a symphony, where notes of empathy, emotion, logic, and value coalesce into a harmonious crescendo that resonates with the audience. It is an artful tapestry woven with the threads of understanding and passion, charting a path for your audience to journey from what is to what could be.

Buyer Experience Design SYNG

The Gap Between “What You’re Selling” vs “What They’re Buying” is Empathy

You’re probably thinking, “I’ve got a phenomenal product or service. Why aren’t customers breaking down my doors?” 

Truthfully, when you’re waist-deep in the trenches of your product or service, it’s easy to get tunnel vision. You think, “Oh, my new Vision Brag 5000 has a 20% faster thingamabob and twice the storage capacity of the Meta 500!” 

Meanwhile, your customer is yawning and wondering what’s for lunch. My friends, the issue is a fixation on features and a lack of connection to what your customers actually care about. It’s a classic case of “can’t see the forest for the trees.” 

Human psychology dictates that we’re inherently focused on ourselves – our creations, our developments, our features. But your customer? They don’t care about you; they care about themselves. 

Shocking, I know!

The Apple Approach: Features, Benefits, Outcomes

Let’s take a stroll down Apple Lane. Their marketing prowess is legendary and for good reason.

Feature: “Our new iPhone has a cutting-edge 108-megapixel camera.” Benefit: “You can take incredibly clear and detailed photos.” Outcome: “Never miss capturing a precious moment with your loved ones. Relive your best memories in vivid detail.”

Do you see how it evolves? Apple doesn’t sell megapixels. They sell cherished memories, connection, and joy. Stop reading this and scan their website; you’ll find all three elements beautifully layered into the copy.

But what about Landing Pages, Pitch Decks, and Product Copy, you ask?

So how do you take this golden nugget of wisdom and apply it to your own marketing materials? Let’s break it down:

Landing Pages: Your landing page is like your storefront. It needs to grab attention. Don’t lead with features; lead with emotions and solutions.

  • Instead of “Our CRM has customizable fields,” try “Create a sales process so smooth, you’ll think you’re dreaming.”
  • Use visuals to tell the story. For instance, instead of saying “Our app saves you time,” show a before-and-after scenario with visuals.

Pitch Decks: Investors are a tough crowd. But guess what? They’re human too (allegedly). They’re not just buying into a business; they’re buying into a vision.

  • Don’t just list features or financial projections. Paint a picture of how your product changes lives or industries. Create a story they want to be a part of. Make it personal. Ever heard of Founder-Problem Fit?

Product Copy: Whether it’s a product description, an ad, or a social media post, this is your chance to speak directly to the customer’s heart.

  • Nix the jargon. Use language that resonates with your audience. Connect the dots from feature to benefit to a life-changing outcome. Make them feel something.

Now, consider the following:

The “So What” Test — When listing a feature, ask yourself, “So what?” This drill-down technique can be eye-opening. Apply it to see if your words connect with customer desires.

Address Objections Head-On — Understand common objections your customers might have and address them proactively. For example, if you know that price is a common objection, address it head-on: “Yes, our product is a premium option, and can you put a price on peace of mind and save precious time?”

Use Social Proof — Showcase logos of companies using your product, media mentions, and shout-outs. When people see that others are buying what you’re selling, they’ll be more inclined to jump on the bandwagon.

Keep it Simple, Silly! — The best marketing messages are often the simplest. Find your own “Just Do It” statement that resonates with your customers. Keep it front and center in all your marketing materials.

Finally, Empathy is the Key to Aligning Your Sales with Customer Desires. Listen to your customers. Understand their desires, their pain points, and their day-to-day lives. Only then can you communicate in a language that resonates with them? Now go on, empathize, and close that gap. Your customers (and your bottom line) will thank you.


Response to Andreessen on “Why AI Will Save the World”

Read Andreessen’s article first.

As a curious designer, I read the article published on Andreessen Horowitz’s blog, “Why AI Will Save the World.” The piece is a compelling read, filled with optimism and a vision of a future where AI is the panacea for all our problems.

However, as someone who has spent years studying the intersection of design, technology, philosophy, psychology and humans in general, it’s essential to examine these claims and critically provide a more nuanced perspective.

Here we go. Strap in, baby!

Andreessen begins by defining AI as a tool that can be used to improve various aspects of our lives, from coding to medicine to the creative arts. It’s a definition I agree with. AI is indeed a tool, and like any tool, its impact depends on how it’s used. However, the article then leaps to the conclusion that AI will save the world, a claim that is as bold as it is unproven.

Slow down there, buddy.

Andreessen paints the human condition of irrationality as inappropriately lacking depth. Humans, unlike AI, are not purely rational beings. We are influenced by a wide range of factors, including emotions, biases, social pressures, and cognitive limitations, all of which can lead us to make decisions that are not strictly rational.

This irrationality is not necessarily a bad thing. It’s part of what makes us human. Our emotions, for example, can lead us to make decisions that enhance our well-being and happiness, even if they don’t maximize some objective measure of utility. While our biases can lead us astray, they can also serve as valuable heuristics, helping us make decisions quickly and efficiently in complex and uncertain situations.

However, our irrationality can also lead to problems. It can cause us to make poor decisions, to act against our own best interests, and to harm others. It can also make it difficult for us to understand and predict the behaviour of AI systems, which are designed to be rational and to optimize for specific goals.

AI, for all its potential benefits, cannot replicate the full range of human irrationality or emotions. It can simulate certain aspects of human behaviour, such as learning from experience and adapting to new situations, but it can’t truly experience emotions or biases. It can’t understand the full complexity of the human condition.

Okay, I’ll play along. In the next decade, maybe.

Andreessen argues that AI will augment human intelligence and improve outcomes in a wide range of fields. While it’s true that AI has the potential to enhance human capabilities, it’s also important to remember that AI is not a magic bullet. It’s a tool that can be used for good or ill, depending on the intentions of those who wield it.

Gun control, anyone?

The article paints a picture of a future where every child has an AI tutor, every person has an AI assistant, and every leader has an AI advisor. This vision is certainly appealing, but it overlooks several important considerations.

First, the assumption that AI will always act in the best interests of humans is flawed. AI systems are designed to optimize for specific goals, and humans set these goals. If the goals are misaligned with human values, the AI system can cause harm.

This is not a theoretical concern. We’ve already seen examples of AI systems causing harm because they optimize for the wrong goals, such as social media algorithms promoting divisive content to increase engagement.

Second, the article assumes that AI will be equally accessible to everyone. However, access to technology is often determined by socioeconomic factors. If AI tools are only available to the wealthy, they could exacerbate existing inequalities rather than alleviate them.

As of 2023, approximately 66.2% of the world’s population, or around 5.25 billion people, have access to and use the Internet. Therefore, it can be inferred that around 33.8% of the world’s population, or approximately 2.65 billion people, do not have access to the Internet​.

Third, the article dismisses concerns about AI as “moral panic.” While it’s true that new technologies often provoke fear and uncertainty, it’s also true that these technologies can have unintended consequences. The history of technology is littered with examples of innovations that were initially hailed as saviours but later revealed to have serious drawbacks. Consider the case of nuclear energy, which promised unlimited power but also brought the threat of atomic weapons and radioactive waste.

I can’t wait to watch Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer.

The article argues that AI will not “decide to murder the human race or otherwise ruin everything.” While I agree that fears of killer robots are largely unfounded, it’s important to recognize that AI systems can cause harm even if they don’t have malicious intentions. For example, an AI system that controls a power grid could cause a blackout if it makes a mistake, even if it doesn’t “want” to harm humans.

It could also very easily be a human error, I know.

Finally, the article claims that AI will make the world “warmer and nicer.” This is a bold claim and one that I believe is overly optimistic. AI systems can help us solve problems and improve our lives but they can’t replace human empathy, compassion, and understanding. AI can simulate these qualities, but it can’t truly experience them.

Now, the final straw that broke the camel’s back for me. Consider the source of these claims. The article was published by Andreessen Horowitz, a venture capital firm that has invested heavily in AI companies. As The Verge reported, Andreessen Horowitz has a history of hyping its investments and selling them after their valuations have ballooned.

This strategy can be profitable for the firm, even if the companies themselves don’t survive long term. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to question the firm’s optimistic view of AI, which is influenced by its financial interests.

It’s in the firm’s interest to promote a positive view of AI, as this could increase the valuations of its AI investments and attract more investors to its funds. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the firm’s claims about AI are false, but it suggests they should be taken with a grain of salt.

Add pepper, too.

While I share Andreessen’s enthusiasm for the potential of AI, I believe it’s essential to approach this technology with a healthy dose of skepticism. AI is a powerful tool, but it’s not a panacea. It’s not going to save the world, but it’s not going to destroy it, either. Like any tool, AI’s impact will depend on how we use it.

We need to ensure that we use AI in ways that align with our values, that we make it accessible to everyone, and that we remain vigilant about its potential risks. We should also remember that while AI can augment our capabilities, it can’t replace our humanity.

AI is not a saviour or a destroyer. It’s a tool, and like any tool, it’s up to us to use it wisely.